Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Kyler

Today my little boy turned one! Wow, where has time went. It seems like yesterday that Kyler joined our family. We had Kyler's party last weekend due to Homecoming here at Taylor. He had a great birthday. The first two pictures were taken today on his birthday, the other pictures are from his party last weekend. We love you Kyler. You are such a joy and a blessing to us. I love how you are trying to figure out how to walk, and how quick you can get to something you know you aren't suppose to. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life. We love you buddy!

Big blue eyes!

"Come on Mom just take the picture!!"

Kyler loved his cake. We had to take it away from him, he just kept on eating.

Kyler sporting his new car!

I think Kinlee opened more presents that Kyler did. He just loved the paper and boxes.

Sitting in his big boy chair! He thinks he's big stuff.

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