Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Beautiful Fall Day

It was a beautiful day here on Wednesday, so the kids and I went out for a little bit after school. Kinlee wanted to rake up the leaves and jump in them, which didn't sound like a lot of fun to me! They had a blast and I hope it isn't the last time we are out before spring!!!

Kinlee at the top of her swing set.

Kyler swinging away. He loves to swing. I think I could leave him in there all day.

Kinlee jumping in the pile of leaves that we raked up.

Just sitting in the pile of leaves...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Kyler

Today my little boy turned one! Wow, where has time went. It seems like yesterday that Kyler joined our family. We had Kyler's party last weekend due to Homecoming here at Taylor. He had a great birthday. The first two pictures were taken today on his birthday, the other pictures are from his party last weekend. We love you Kyler. You are such a joy and a blessing to us. I love how you are trying to figure out how to walk, and how quick you can get to something you know you aren't suppose to. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life. We love you buddy!

Big blue eyes!

"Come on Mom just take the picture!!"

Kyler loved his cake. We had to take it away from him, he just kept on eating.

Kyler sporting his new car!

I think Kinlee opened more presents that Kyler did. He just loved the paper and boxes.

Sitting in his big boy chair! He thinks he's big stuff.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pickin' Pumpkins

On Saturday we went down to KC's parents house to let the kids pick pumpkins. But is was way too wet to go out in the field, so we let the kids climb around on the wagons and take a ride on the tractor. Thanks Gramy and Gramps for the pumpkins.

A rare family photo. Every picture Kinlee's hair is in her face!

Kinlee picking out the pumpkin she wanted to take home.

Kyler climbing over, under, around the pumpkins. Any way he can get around.

KC taking Kinlee on a tractor ride.

Now it's Kyler's turn! His first tractor ride and he loved it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Steps

Kyler took his first steps last night. Thank goodness KC and I were both home to see it. He took two steps walking from me to KC. The funny thing was we were not even trying to get him to walk...he just did it. Anyway, I have no video or picture of it, but I will soon. He is getting WAY too big, WAY too fast!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


While in Seymour the kids and I went to the BIG Octoberfest. It was a lot of fun, well besides seeing those from high school that you really don't want to see!! Kinlee had so much fun riding the rides, playing the fishy game, and eating donuts. We had a great time, and looking forward to next year.

Kinlee and Journee waiting to leave.

Kinlee and Journee riding on the boats.

Kinlee's big cheese while waiting for the swings to start.

Gotta love the fire truck!! Right, Jessica?

On Friday night Kinlee went down the big slide with Journee and Cory, and she loved it. Well, on Saturday she wanted to go down the slide again. This time when she got down to the bottom she was scared to death. What we didn't realize was that Cory was holding on to Kinlee's sack when she went with him. When she went by herself she went so fast...I felt so bad, and by the way she NEVER wants to go down a big slide again.

Kyler just being relaxed and easy going. I love it.

My Aunt Teri, my Grandmother, and my mom standing at the Octoberfest. What a great weekend.

A Visit from Seattle

My sister, her husband, and little girl came to Seymour from Seattle, WA to visit. The kids and I went down to my parents to see them. We had a great weekend, just hanging out, going to the Octoberfest, and eating lots of food. Thanks for coming to visit guys!!

The three sisters...Myself, Jessica, and Erica

Erica with Kinlee and Kyler.

All the grandkids....not a bad picture for what we were working with!! :)