Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Eve Night

Christmas Eve night starts out with dinner at my parents, then we head off to Christmas Eve service, followed by the reading of the Christmas story, and finally opening presents. The kids had a rough time sitting at Christmas Eve service they were so excited about opening presents. We had a wonderful evening, and two tired kids after it was all said and done. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Our family before Christmas Eve service.

Poppy with the girls, Journee and Kinlee.

Nana and Poppy with the grandchildren, minus Grace.

Kinlee and Journee opening their Leapsters.

Kyler riding his retro rocket!

He was so excited when he figured out he could move(backwards)!

Christmas Eve at the Hackman's

We spend Christmas Eve morning at KC's parents house every year. We open presents, eat a big breakfast, and try and catch a nap before we head on to the next stop. We had a great Christmas Eve morning. Thanks for everything!

KC, Andy and the kids waiting to open their stockings.

Kinlee opening her UNO Moo Game. She was so excited and couldn't wait to play it.

Kyler trying so hard to get this football out of the wrapping paper. He wanted it so bad. I promise you this kid is obsessed with balls.

All the grandkids, beside Kyler (he got one for his birthday), got new chairs for Christmas. I am so excited Kinlee now has her more fighting over Kyler's chair!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas at Our House

We had Christmas at our house this morning, since the next few days are packed with basketball and then we leave town. Kinlee was so excited to get up and open her presents. We had a good time this morning spending time together as a family.

Kinlee showing Kyler how it's done.

Kinlee opening Kyler's present...because it was taking him WAY TO LONG!!

Kinlee showing off her camera. Thanks Leah!

One of the only things Kinlee wanted for Christmas was a Whoopsie Doo baby. This baby pees and poops...I tried telling her that is what we have in Kyler!!! :)

Kyler opening his basketball goal.

Kyler shoots...and he scores!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

KC's presents

Kinlee was so excited to go shopping for KC for Christmas. It was so funny to see what she would pick out for him. She really wanted the gumball machine for herself, but she decided that her daddy would share with her, so she got it for him. She then wanted to get him a movie to watch. So, we went back to the movies and she picked out a Max and Ruby video. It was really hard to talk her out of it. We had people around us laughing. She kept saying, "daddy will love to watch it with me." We are celebrating Christmas at the Hackman house tomorrow, so we had to wrap his presents tonight. She had so much fun. KC was away today and he called to tell Kinlee goodnight, and when she got on the phone the first thing she said was "daddy I got you a movie for Christmas." She's great at keeping surprises!! :)

Kinlee with the gumball machine that I believe will be hers tomorrow!

Cutting very carefully.

Still took forever! :)

Kinlee showing off the wrapped gumball machine.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa's Cookies

Kinlee loves to sing. She is always coming home with a new song from pre school. This is the one she came home today singing. She cracks us up singing these songs. Warning: Santa better watch his cookies!! :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Trying to take a picture...

Boy who knew trying to take a picture for Christmas cards would be so hard!! They both did a pretty good job, I think we finally got one, it took awhile, but it will work.

Maybe this one!

Kinlee's big cheese.

What is that face?

Kinlee giving Kyler a pep talk...the faster we smile the sooner this is over

Kyler trying to get away!

Monday, December 7, 2009

1st Snow

Kinlee was so excited this morning when she woke up and saw that it snowed. She couldn't wait to play in it. When I got home from school that was the first thing she asked me, so she got all bundled up and headed outside. She had so much fun in what little snow we had. Kyler was crying at the door because he wanted out!

Kinlee making a snow angel on the concrete.

Throwing a snowball at me.

Headed out in the snow...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh, what we do to kill time!

Oh, the things that go on when KC is away... Saturday KC was gone with the basketball team to Spring Arbor. The kids and I ran to Muncie, took naps, and played in/with the couch cushions. KC can't stand it when Kinlee plays in them...what he doesn't know won't hurt him! :) Except the first thing Kinlee said to KC was, "Guess what we got to play with?"

Kinlee and Kyler climbing over the cushions.

This lasted about 10 seconds until Kyler wanted free!

Kinlee jumping!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Putting up/Taking Down the Christmas Tree

We had all intention of putting up the tree yesterday as we have in years past, but we didn't get there. So, this morning KC put up the tree and after school today Kinlee and I decorated it. As Kinlee would put something on the tree, Kyler would take something off. Boy this may be the year I wish I didn't put up a tree!! :)

Kinlee putting a snowman on the tree. Everything she put on the tree went right in the middle of the tree at her eye level!

Kyler taking a snowman off the tree and handing it to me. This was just one of many times he did this! Is it time to take the tree down yet?

Kinlee posing in front of the finished tree.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Making Gingerbread Houses

On Friday night we decided to make gingerbread houses with my mom, dad, sister and her two kids Jayden and Journee. The kids (and adults) had so much fun. I think there was a little competition between the adults to see who could make the best gingerbread house. I think next year we better get our own!

Nana getting Kinlee started on her house while mommy was giving Kyler a bath.

Kinlee kept licking the icing out of the center of it, no wonder we had a major cave in!

Kinlee's house had a cave in and we had a mess. I blamed it on my mom since she started this project with Kinlee. :)

Kinlee and her final gingerbread house.

Kinlee, Journee, and Jayden with the complete houses. Whose do you think is the best? :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

I love Thanksgiving! We enjoyed good food, spending time with family, and shopping in the early hours of the morning. It was great to see everyone!

All the great grandchildren on my mom's side of the family. It was impossible trying to get this picture. This is the best one I got!

My mom, my Aunt Teri, Uncle Jeff, Grandmother, and PaPa

All the cousins...with our new addition Grant!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This week is a time to be thankful and Kinlee has been working a lot on this at pre-school. Here is one of Kinlee's Thanksgiving songs....enjoy!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kinlee's Friend Alexa

Everyday Kinlee asks if Alexa can come over and play. They play so well together that the entire time she is over I don't here a word from either one of them. It is great to be able to get something done, or just simply hang out with Kyler. The other night Alexa was over for dinner, and the entire meal they sang songs from pre-school. It was so cute. Here are some pictures of them playing...

Practicing writing....

I know it has been forever since I have blogged. I really don't know where time goes in a day, and before I know it my to do list isn't done and I'm ready for bed. A lot has been happening in the Hackman house. KC is in full swing of basketball, Kinlee is loving pre-school, and Kyler is walking. Here are some pics of Kinlee practicing her name. She will sit at the table for hours working on writing "like big people."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Beautiful Fall Day

It was a beautiful day here on Wednesday, so the kids and I went out for a little bit after school. Kinlee wanted to rake up the leaves and jump in them, which didn't sound like a lot of fun to me! They had a blast and I hope it isn't the last time we are out before spring!!!

Kinlee at the top of her swing set.

Kyler swinging away. He loves to swing. I think I could leave him in there all day.

Kinlee jumping in the pile of leaves that we raked up.

Just sitting in the pile of leaves...