Friday, December 11, 2009

Trying to take a picture...

Boy who knew trying to take a picture for Christmas cards would be so hard!! They both did a pretty good job, I think we finally got one, it took awhile, but it will work.

Maybe this one!

Kinlee's big cheese.

What is that face?

Kinlee giving Kyler a pep talk...the faster we smile the sooner this is over

Kyler trying to get away!


  1. I think you should use the one of Kyler trying to get away so you can see his cool-dude hair! =)

    oh, i'm impressed that you got that first one...I think it's impossible to get a decent picture of two little ones! but, they are adorable!!!!!

  2. LET'S START WITH HOW STINKING CUTE THEY ARE!!!! They are getting to big!! Man I miss them! I miss you guys so bad!! ONE DAY we will live close, I KNOW IT!!! Please kiss these amazing kids... and I love you!!
    Your lil Sis
