Monday, November 30, 2009

Putting up/Taking Down the Christmas Tree

We had all intention of putting up the tree yesterday as we have in years past, but we didn't get there. So, this morning KC put up the tree and after school today Kinlee and I decorated it. As Kinlee would put something on the tree, Kyler would take something off. Boy this may be the year I wish I didn't put up a tree!! :)

Kinlee putting a snowman on the tree. Everything she put on the tree went right in the middle of the tree at her eye level!

Kyler taking a snowman off the tree and handing it to me. This was just one of many times he did this! Is it time to take the tree down yet?

Kinlee posing in front of the finished tree.

1 comment:

  1. These are the sweet memories you will never forget. I usually put an angel on top of my tree. Yours is sitting on the floor infront of your tree. Kyler will have fun with your tree all season. Tree looks great! Good job all of you!!! LOVE YA
