Monday, May 31, 2010

Swimming in Our BIG Pool

As hot as it has been this weekend we decided to get the plastic pool out for the kids. This is Kyler first real test with the pool. He was in heaven, even though the water was really cold! Kinlee kept asking when we could get a bigger pool...sorry sis I don't know if that will ever happen!

Kyler's new CHEESE face!

Kinlee braving the cold water.

KC got the hose out and they had a blast running through the water!

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Beautiful Children

I want to say it's just been a week, but I'd be's been a month. A crazy month, in which I have struggled everyday to just ENJOY life. My mind went from school, to the changes at school, and back to school. Each day more draining than the next. I'd came home exhausted, with no patience for the two precious little ones I was coming home to. All day it's Mrs. Hackman this and Mrs. Hackman that, and then mom, mom, mom, MOM! I was turning into a mom I didn't every want to be. Looking at the clock hoping that it was bed time...I am so thankful that today was the last day of school, so that I get to spend my days with my beautiful children. I am so blessed to work a job that I have the summer off, and I'm looking sooooo forward to it!
Look at my beautiful children...I love you Kinlee and Kyler. You are such a joy and blessing to your dad and me. We are so thankful for you, and are praying daily that you become the woman and man of God that He has called you to be. That you love God with all your heart, and you put Him first in all you do. We love you!!

Future Baseball Player

Kyler loves balls, and he is starting to really love to throw, hit and catch a baseball, which KC LOVES!!! He is getting so big, so fast!

Gotta love the stretch! I love this picture.

Ready to catch the ball...

Love the pink glove! He needs a glove that isn't pink I'm told!

His throw...

Follow through...

And he's ready to do it all over again...I love that he is ALL boy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, KC!

Today we celebrated KC's birthday with an eight hour drive home from TN, dinner out, and a cake that Kinlee picked out from Coldstone Creamery! I can't tell you how excited Kinlee was all day that TODAY was daddy's birthday. I think she was more excited about the candles and the cake than anyone else. I have no pictures to show you of our celebration, since the camera is still not working. (hopefully it will be soon!)

KC, Happy Birthday! You are are an amazing father, husband, and best friend. I couldn't ask for anything more. I hope you enjoyed your day, glad we were with you to celebrate. I love you, babe!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Trip

The kids and I decided to tag along with KC to the National Championship Opening Round for baseball. It took us 8 hours to get to Cleveland, TN., with only 2 stops. The kids were awesome! We had a great trip, even though the outcomes of the games were not what we were hoping for, we had fun spending time together as a family. These are all the pictures I have, because I dropped my camera and it isn't who knows when I'll blog again! KC is getting tired of buying me cameras! Thanks babe for letting us tag along. Couldn't think of a better way to spend a week, then with you guys!

Kyler's seat for the opening game!

Kinlee and Alexa posing before the game started.

Having a dance party in the hotel waiting for the game to start!

Kyler practicing his swing.

Kinlee coloring back at the hotel.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Curious Kyler

These days you never know where you will find Kyler. He is everywhere and into everything. The other day I couldn't find him. I knew he was in the house (don't worry mom)but he wasn't answering me, which is also a new game he likes to play. So after searching every room, I finally find him in our shower in our bathroom. He didn't know I was there until the last picture and then he knew he had been caught!!

Dad's Day at Kiddie Kampus

Kinlee had dad's day at preschool, and she was soooo excited to take KC with her to school. They sang songs, ate snacks, and looked around the room before heading to the park to fly their kite. Here are so pictures of Kinlee and KC before they went to Kiddie Kampus. They had beautiful weather and a lot of fun!