Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Trip to the Aquarium

Last weekend was the last of my Spring Break, but the start of KC's so we took off! As stated in an earlier post my kids are obsessed with the fish at Meijer, so we thought what better time to take them to the Aquarium. We went down to the Newport Aquarium in Cincinnati, Ohio. We had a blast! I don't know if the mouths of my kids could have been any wider. They were in heaven. It was our first trip with both kids to stay in a hotel, but all in all they did very well. It was great to get away as a family without any interruptions...there were no papers to grade, no injured athletes to take care was GREAT!

Kinlee's reaction to all the fish!

KC and Kinlee touching the teeth of a gator.

Kinlee on the frog, she loved these big frogs. They also had a big Frogger game, which her and Daddy played.

Kinlee posing in front of all the fish. So not my daughter!!! :)

Kyler in AWE of all the fish! He loved it!

Brother and Sister....bonding

Kinlee looks so little compared to this shark!

Kinlee and KC petting a shark...there wasn't ANYWAY my hand was going in there....

KC and this kids on the Ohio River.

Kinlee and Kyler on the king size bed. They thought it was a huge trampoline.

Kyler "reading" in the car.


  1. I am so glad you guys had a good time. Wish I could have spent some time with you> Miss you all take care and remember we love you all!!!!!

  2. THIS LOOKS LIKE SO MUCH FUN!!! You guys are the best parents! The kids are HUGE! I miss you guys so much it hurts! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
