Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bass Pro

Spring Break started last Friday, so the kids and I went to my parents for a couple of days. We spent one day going to Bass Pro and to the Falls of Ohio. Kyler is obsessed with the fish at Meijer, so you can only imagine how he was here. The kids had a blast, and we were even able to watch them feed the fish in the big tank.

Kyler trying to figure out how he is going to get in there.

Kinlee and Journee...Best of Friends!

This is where all the kids ended up!

My dad, Jayden, and Kyler

Kinlee and Journee overlooking the Ohio River!

Cory and Jessica

The whole group!!


  1. oh how I miss you guys!!! Looks like you had so much fun! Can't even believe how big kyler is... WOW! I hope I get to kiss your face before JULY!!! I love you MELISSA! Your the best oldest sister ever! ox ox ox

  2. Kyler has grown again. Wish I could have seen you guys. Miss you all. Give the kids a hug and a kiss from us. ME miss you!!
