Sunday, August 9, 2009

New things...

This week marks the beginning of new things in our house. Kyler is moving around these days and trying so hard to pull himself up to things. He loves to crawl backwards and get under tables and chairs!! Another new thing is that tomorrow I start back to work :( I have been off work since I gave birth to Kyler, and I am so sad that I have to go back. I have enjoyed my time at home with the two of them, and I will miss them as I am at school. Please keep us in your prayers as things change around here. I know that GOD IS IN CONTROL and NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM! As long as I know that we can handle anything.

Kyler standing all by himself. It doesn't last long before he falls down.

Kinlee has been going to school with me to get my room ready. She has helped me sooo much :). Here she is playing school. She can't wait for pre-school to start!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad we are going through this together. I too can't believe it is time to leave our babies (all of them, even our husbands) and go back to school. I just pray everyday that God gives us the strength to get us up in the morning, be a wonderful teacher through the day and an even better mommy when we get back home.
