Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jumping on the Trampoline

Tonight after supper we went outside, since it was a beautiful evening. Kinlee got a trampoline for her birthday, which she hasn't been on much. We decided to put Kyler on it and of course she wanted on too!!! This was Kyler's first experience on the trampoline. He loved it if KC was holding him, but thought he could crawl on it and wiped out every time. It was kinda funny! Kinlee loved to jump so that Kyler would fall over...isn't she sweet! :)

KC holding Kyler so he could jump.

My beautiful baby boy!! I love the faces he is starting to make.

Kinlee jumping "way to the moon" as she likes to say.

My sweet and beautiful little girl!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kinlee's First Day at Kiddie Kampus

Kinlee has been waiting for this day to come all summer...on the other hand mom and dad not so much! She was so excited last night that tomorrow was finally the day. First, she had to make sure that Kyler was not staying with her. I took the morning off so that I could take her...she acted so big. After a few minutes she looked at KC and I and said, "you can go now." I thought I would start crying then. People tell you to cherish the moment because it goes so fast...I'm beginning to see what they mean.

Kinlee with her back pack on before we left.

Kinlee went in and found her name and hung her back pack on the hook, like she knew what she was doing!

Kinlee picked a seat and started playing right away. She's so big!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh the places I can get...

Kyler can now get anywhere he wants to be. He loves to get to Kinlee and mess up whatever she is playing with at the time. He got stuck here in between the speaker, the Elmo couch, and a chair. He sat and played with this baby bottle forever. He is starting to get places so much faster. He is growing up WAY to fast.

Kyler playing with a baby bottle...he never took a real bottle!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 months old

I don't know where time has little boy is 10 months old. He is growing so fast. He can now officially get anywhere he wants to be. He loves to crawl after balls, and Kinlee. Kinlee talks to him like a dog, telling him to come here all the time. It's kinda funny. Kyler you are a blessing, a true joy to our life. We are so thankful for you. We love you so much!!

I love that face!

Kyler with his new friend...a ball!

Popcorn Festival

Last Saturday was KC's last Saturday off until probably June, so we took the kids to the Popcorn Festival in Van Buren. All Kinlee wanted to do was ride the Ferris Wheel. So she got her wish, and loved every minute of it.

Kinlee waiting for the ride to start.

Kinlee was the only one on the ride. Van Buren is a happening place!

KC and Kyler waiting for Kinlee to get off the Ferris Wheel.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kyler Crawling

So, while I went back to work this week, Kyler decided that he would crawl. Yes, you know it...I MISS IT! I can't believe it. KC, the thoughtful husband he is, caught it on his cell phone and sent it to me at school. It was hard to watch, but I made it through it (just a few tears where shed). He is now officially crawling everywhere, which is so different for us. Kinlee never moved like that! It has been a rough week at the Hackman house, and I'm so thankful for the weekend.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

New things...

This week marks the beginning of new things in our house. Kyler is moving around these days and trying so hard to pull himself up to things. He loves to crawl backwards and get under tables and chairs!! Another new thing is that tomorrow I start back to work :( I have been off work since I gave birth to Kyler, and I am so sad that I have to go back. I have enjoyed my time at home with the two of them, and I will miss them as I am at school. Please keep us in your prayers as things change around here. I know that GOD IS IN CONTROL and NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM! As long as I know that we can handle anything.

Kyler standing all by himself. It doesn't last long before he falls down.

Kinlee has been going to school with me to get my room ready. She has helped me sooo much :). Here she is playing school. She can't wait for pre-school to start!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I know I always post about my kids, but tonight I thought I would change it up a bit. Today KC and I celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary. I can't believe it has been 8 years!!! I am so thankful for KC and I love him more each day. He is a wonderful husband, father, and best friend. Thanks for all you do for our family. You are amazing....I look forward to many more years. I love you, babe!

KC and I went out to eat without kids!! This was taken before we left.