Friday, July 31, 2009

Jackson County Fair

We were able to go to the Jackson County Fair twice while we were down south. We went on Sunday with KC's family to eat and ride the Merry Go Round. Then on Wednesday I took the kids with my mom and sister for Kiddies' Day. We enjoyed good food and Kinlee loved riding the rides.

Kinlee and I riding the Merry Go Round.

Kinlee, Journee, and Jayden playing the fishing game at the fair. The each won a stuffed fish...just what we need. :)

This was Kinlee's favorite ride. The school bus went up in the air and made a circle.

Jayden and Kinlee riding the motorcycles.

Kyler hanggin out in the stroller at the fair.

KC's sister Daphne and her boys, Caden and Brady.


  1. Thanks for the watermelon! =) That was a fun surprise!!

    And, when I was scrolling through the pictures I knew before I even read the caption that she was KC's sister---oh my word--they look so much alike! no doubt that they are related!

    we're glad to have you back in town...but sad that school starts so soon!

  2. I am the better looking of the two of course!!!

  3. Daphne isn't very anonymous, I am better looking. Who does she think we thought would have written that. She should have said, "She is better looking of the two". Oh, well she tried.
