Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nana!

On Saturday night we had a little birthday party for my mom. My sister made the cake, which she did an awesome job on it. The kids were so worried about her having a cake, making sure she had balloons, and presents. It was so cute. All Kyler cared about was sticking his hand in the cake, as you can see in all the pictures. Can't wait to see what he does with his cake next month! Glad we could spend your birthday with you Nana. We love you so much!!

Journee, the neighbor down the street, Kinlee, Nana, Kyler and Jayden with the cake. It's a funny story how the neighbor girl was at the party, and before we realized it she was in all the pictures too! :)

The grandkids giving Nana a kiss.

After singing Nana "Happy Birthday" everyone helped blow out the candles. Now let's eat cake!

A Visit to Seymour

The kids and I made a trip to Seymour this weekend for my mom's birthday. On Saturday my grandmother, my aunt, and cousins came up to see the kids, and have lunch for my mom's birthday. We had a great visit. My grandmother is all about taking pictures, so here is what we got!!!

Kinlee and Kyler posing in front of the flowers. Boy they look excited!

The cousins: Jayden, Kyler, Journee and Kinlee. Trying to get everyone to look at the same time was impossible. This is the best picture we got.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Riding on the Gator

On Saturday KC rode a Gator home in between taking water to tennis and a baseball game. He took the kids on a ride, and they didn't want off of it. It was Kyler's first ride on the Gator and he couldn't stop laughing. I think every time he sees one he will want on it!

Kyler checking out the Gator.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Playing School

Since Kinlee has been going to preschool, she is really into playing like she is at school. Tuesday Kinlee made me sit on the floor and she acted like the teacher(Mrs. Fox). She would point at a letter and ask me what the letter was, I would tell her, then she would say good job mommy! A girl after my own heart! I love playing school!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Upland Labor Day Parade

Today we went down to the Labor Day Parade in Upland. It wasn't the prettiest day, but the kids enjoyed the parade. And lets just say we came home with more than enough candy.

Kinlee waiting for them to throw candy.

Kyler chewing on a cup, the only thing he got from the parade.

Look at ALL the candy Kinlee got. I can't believe how much candy she got, it was unreal to me. Let's just say almost all of it is going in mommy's candy basket at school!

Kyler and the Ball

Kyler can entertain himself for quite sometime, playing with a ball. He loves to get to the ball, hit it, and go chase it again. He does really well until Kinlee decides to come and take the ball from him...such a nice sister!:)