Friday, July 31, 2009

Jackson County Fair

We were able to go to the Jackson County Fair twice while we were down south. We went on Sunday with KC's family to eat and ride the Merry Go Round. Then on Wednesday I took the kids with my mom and sister for Kiddies' Day. We enjoyed good food and Kinlee loved riding the rides.

Kinlee and I riding the Merry Go Round.

Kinlee, Journee, and Jayden playing the fishing game at the fair. The each won a stuffed fish...just what we need. :)

This was Kinlee's favorite ride. The school bus went up in the air and made a circle.

Jayden and Kinlee riding the motorcycles.

Kyler hanggin out in the stroller at the fair.

KC's sister Daphne and her boys, Caden and Brady.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Weekend of Baseball

This weekend we were able to watch a lot of baseball. Our nephew, Jayden, was is an All Star tournament this weekend in Seymour. Well, they didn't win, but we had fun watching him play. You did great Jayden! We are proud of you.

Kinlee, Journee, Nana and Kyler chillin' on the hill. Yes, Kinlee and Journee are reading books!

Kyler being lifted in the air by Poppy.

Batter, Batter, swing. Jayden up to bat.

Jayden on third base waiting to score!

Friday, July 17, 2009

A trip to the Bowling Alley

When we woke up this morning it looked as if it could rain. My sister, Jessica, was off today so we tried to think of something that we could do. We took the kids out for pizza and headed to the bowling alley. Kinlee had never been before, but has asked to go after she saw Curious George bowl on TV. We had a blast. Kinlee loved it, and KC won...

Kinlee and Journee hugging the bowling balls. They have gotten so close this summer. I love it!

We watch as it ssslllooowwwlllyyy makes its way down the lane. The first time Kinlee rolled it she wanted to go after it!

Kinlee letting her ball go.

Jessica and Kyler at the bowling ally.

9 months old today

Where has time gone? I can't believe that Kyler is 9 months old already. We are so blessed to have Kyler in our life. He is a joy and a blessing. Thank you God for Kyler and his life. We love you, Kyler!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Fun with Cousins

Being down south while KC helps his dad allows Kinlee and Kyler plenty of time to spend with their cousins. Here are some fun things we have been able to do...

Kinlee, Journee and Jayden "walking" down the Slip 'n Slide together.

Kinlee never officially slid down the Slip 'n Slide. She loved playing in the water.

Kinlee and Journee in Aunt Daphne's pool.

Jayden and Brady in Aunt Daphne's pool.

Kyler, just haggin out, like always. He is so good and he just goes with the flow...there are those eyes again that I love so much!!

That's one way....

Kinlee was pulling this caterpillar around, and she then left it for Kyler to see. He decided he would put it in his mouth...that's one way to pull it!!

I love those eyes!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Swimming in Nana and Poppy's Pool

Our summer is spent half in Upland and half in the Seymour area. KC and I are blessed to have the summer mainly off, so we are able to spend time with our families. KC helps his dad on his farm, where he raises watermelon and pumpkins, while the kids and I swim in the pool!!! It has been hard on the kids, mainly Kyler, to go back and forth this summer. We are so blessed, even if we are lacking sleep these days!! :)

Kinlee and Journee(Fancy Nancy) playing tag in the pool.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A rainy 4th of July

We had a busy 4th of July. We started in the southern part of the state and ended back in Upland before the night was over. My dad's family has a family reunion at Hardy Lake every 4th of July. We went there and enjoyed the rain, played some bingo for 25 cents a card, and Kinlee jumped in puddles with Journee. It was good to spend time with family and to see those we don't see very often. We then went to Ryan and Kristin Zeeb's house for an evening cookout. Alexa and Kinlee played, did sparklers, while the women talked and the men hit golf balls in the yard. After it was all said and done, we had a wonderful 4th of July!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Trying to take a picture these days....

I was trying to get a picture of Kinlee and Kyler in their 4th of July outfits, and well this is what I ended up with. Every time I would take the picture Kinlee would do something silly.

This is the best one I eyes and all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Holiday World...Take Two

We went to Holiday World again. This time with KC's parents, sister, and her two kids. I left Kyler at home with my mom, since he was so hot last time we went. Kinlee had a blast. She loved the log ride(cause Daddy got all wet), the roller coaster, and riding all the "little" rides with Caden. It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed our time there.

Kinlee and Caden riding the Merry Go Round.

Kinlee driving KC around in the car. Boy that's scary!

Kinlee and I riding the Doggie Roller Coaster. This was Kinlee's favorite ride at Holiday World. She was barely tall enough to ride it.

One of those days....

Have you ever had one of those days when all you feel like you do is get on your child? Well, today was one of those days at the Hackman house. I couldn't wait for Kinlee to go to bed. Then I come across these sweet pictures of her...she is so precious. I love her so much!! God has an amazing plan for Kinlee's life, can't wait to see what it is...